
Ahaspora Young Professionals (Ahaspora) is a group of young, Ghanaian professionals who have lived or been educated outside Ghana and have returned home to make a difference, was formed in 2011.
We recognize the immense potential, talent, and opportunity that exists in Ghana, and want to use our knowledge, skills, and resources to help make Ghana a better place. "Aha" is a Twi (Akan) word for "Here" and "Spora" is a stem of Diaspora. This name befits our new status of being home as global citizens.
The group aims to bridge the gap between those who are "Ahas", Ahasporans, and Diasporans, by sharing ideas and experiences to build a true "Gateway to Africa". We are passionate about giving back to our Motherland. Our main flagship program is a one-on-one mentoring program for 2nd and 3rd tier high school students in Ghana. We also implement other community engagement activities.