Kucetekela Foundation

26 Aug 2016
Rebecca Zeigler Mano

The vision of the Kucetekela Foundation is to provide educational opportunities to Zambian youths in order to brighten the Zambian nation's future. "Kucetekela" means "hope" in Bemba, one of the major languages in Zambia. Founded in 2006, KF is a non-profit organization that offers academic scholarships to academically talented but economically challenged youth to access quality secondary school education. Youth in Zambia face many challenges.

The HIV/AIDS pandemic is ravaging the Zambian population, with over 10% of the population infected with HIV. In addition, 60% of all Zambians live at an income level below the poverty line and 50% of the Zambian population is under 16 years of age. The youth of Zambia are the nation's future and therefore represent the hope of a brighter day. KF has since its inception sponsored the education of 80 orphans and vulnerable students who have demonstrated great academic promise but do not have the financial means to obtain a secondary education.


KF scholars are identified on recommendations from teachers, interviews, and a detailed summary of the financial situation of the family. Once selected, students receive a scholarship for five academic years, from Grade 8 through 12. After they complete Grade 12, KF connects students to additional post-secondary educational and vocational opportunities.

KF provides much more than school fees—we take a holistic approach and are committed to providing each student with all the resources necessary to succeed. KF offers its students several robust programs beyond the financial support, including: mentor pairing with a successful local professional, community service opportunities over term holidays to foster a spirit of volunteering, short-term work experiences to gain insights into various career options, and gap year support to connect recent graduates with further opportunities.

KF students have excelled in their academic performance and been accepted to colleges and universities both locally and abroad with full scholarships. Over 80% of alumni have gone on to tertiary education, many outside of Zambia. We are proud to have alumni pursuing opportunities on five continents, including with several HALI partners.