15 Oct 2017
Rebecca Zeigler Mano

ProjectEDUCATE is a non-profit, non-governmental organization designed to help improve educational standards and infrastructure as a way of building developmental capacity. As an organization, ProjectEDUCATE puts the emphasis on education because it is empowering. It gives people the knowledge, skill and attitude to be active an productive members f their communities. Education is thus an indispensable. component to development.

Through its Future Promise initiative, the organization works to improve access to higher learning opportunities for brilliant but
underprivileged students. The initiative prepares students for entry into college through​ ​college advising and mentorship.​ ​​In part Future Promise improves access to information on higher education learning for high school student​s by guiding them​​​ through the college application process​ and ​supporting ​them throughout their entire college experience​.​

The initiative further works to​ c​reate a network of students that is able to support one another​ and​ that gives back to their communities​ ​through volunteering and community service.​ ​Ultimately, Future Promise looks to share ideas and resources with​ ​like​-​minded initiatives to improve support services for our students.